Best Affordable Daycare near Highland Park NJ -Infants - Toddlers and Pre School
Daily Mobile App Updates
We utilize an integrated mobile app system that gives you daily updates of your child’s day and keeps you updated with all activities of your child’s busy day.
Free Breakfast, Lunch & Snack
We use a catering company that provides daily nutritious meals. You get a monthly menu to give you an update on what’s served daily.
Midsize so your kids aren’t overlooked
Our centers are mid sized and aptly staffed with friendly nurturing professionals who delightfully cater to your most valuable possession.
Age Appropriate curriculum
Our classes are separated according to age groups and all activities are age appropriate and aptly supervised by teachers.
Get registration info
Little Einstein’s Academy provides a quality learning environment that enables children to grow and develop. We build a partnership with parents in the care of their most precious possessions.
Contact Us
- 334 Plainfield Ave Edison, New Jersey, 08817
- 732-985-4700
- 528-530 East 2nd Avenue Roselle NJ 07203
- 908-241-6200
Useful Links
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© All rights reserved 2018 By Little Einstein's Academy
Design and Developed by Usama Ahmad.